Unpacking The Eerie
Unpacking the Eerie is a passion project that merges the intersections of our dark curiosities with our deeply held values. Each episode we’ll dig past the surface of morbid fascination, scavenging for unasked questions surrounding the stories that creep the hell out of us. We hope that when you listen, you’ll experience the feels, the enjoyment, the horror and interludes of comedic relief that we do. - 2 politicized social workers who met in the Pacific Northwest, USA and are now based in the PNW and in India.
Visit our website at www.unpackingtheeerie.com | Follow us on instagram @unpackingtheeerie & Facebook at Facebook.com/unpackingtheeerie.
Podcasting since 2020 • 39 episodes
Unpacking The Eerie
Latest Episodes
Revolutionary Spirit: Palestine Round Table Pt. 2
Join us for a guest episode and round-table discussion between four Palestinians in the diaspora, Muhamed, Battuul, Firas, Vinny & Michlin. In part two of this two-part conversation, our guests shed light on the brutality of the Israeli occ...

Revolutionary Spirit: Palestine Round Table Pt. 1
Join us for a guest episode and round-table discussion between four Palestinians in the diaspora, Muhamed, Battuul, Firas, Vinny & Michlin. In part one of this two-part conversation, we are given the gift of listening to our guests ta...

Denounce Genocide - A Call to Action
Ongoing Palestinian Genocidecontent warning: extreme violence, genocide At the publishing of this episode at least 8,306 Palestinians have been killed and over 21,000 injured in Gaza in the past 3 weeks. The current massacr...

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